
Common Childhood Illnesses

Common Childhood Illnesses… What To Look For by Adwina Jackson Children are very susceptible to illnesses, in part because their immune systems are not fully mature. Breastfeeding of course provides some immunity to common illnesses, but nowadays most children are weaned by the time they are 1 year old. Children also have a habit of … Read more

Top 10 Ways To Prevent Obesity In Kids

Top 10 Ways To Prevent Obesity In Kids by Nancy Hill I’m sure you’ve seen the dire reports about childhood obesity becoming rampant in America. It’s a scary thing and not an experience any of us wish upon our children. Preventing obesity can be easy and empowering for children. Give them control over their bodies. … Read more

How ADD Affects Families

How ADD Affects Families by Sarah K. Jenkins Typically, there is a lot of blame and frustration associated with Attention Deficit Disorder. Depending on how long the problem has gone before being diagnosed, there may be serious mental and emotional scars as family members and the child dealt with issues associated with ADD. This disorder … Read more

Coping with Tantrums

Coping with Tantrums by Ben Sidman Tantrums are never easy to deal with and push parents to their limits of patients. It often seems to be that parents of children with social difficulties have a harder job because tantrums are either more frequent, unpredictable or harder to bring under control. The Difficulties Children with social … Read more

Spitting Up – And Other Joys Of Motherhood

Spitting Up – And Other Joys Of Motherhood by Sarah Veda If you have a newborn, he or she is going to spit up. Some babies do it more than others, but they all do it. There are several reasons why, and some things you can do to minimize spitting up. Newborns spit up more … Read more

Autism: Is There A Cure In Sight?

Autism: Is There A Cure In Sight? by Lisa Hyde Autism: What causes it, and can it be cured? Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more children. But many autistic children have been able to lead normal lives. Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the early stages of development of … Read more

Asperger’s Syndrome Diagnosis – Should I Tell My Child?

Asperger’s Syndrome Diagnosis – Should I Tell My Child? by Nelle Frances To tell or not tell your child or others of their diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome? It’s really a personal decision that has pros and cons on either side. Some parents may struggle with telling a 3 year old they have Asperger’s Syndrome, fearing … Read more

Asperger Syndrome Children and Tantrums

Asperger Syndrome Children and Tantrums by Nelle Frances Children with Asperger’s Syndrome the world over share a common trait – meltdown – otherwise known as a tantrum, a “birko”, a “go-off” or “spack-attack”. The visible symptoms of meltdown are as varied as the Asperger children themselves, but every parent is able to describe their child’s … Read more

Overweight Children – What Can A Parent Do To Help?

Overweight Children – What Can A Parent Do To Help? by Lindsay Small The latest figures released in the US state that 15 percent of children and teenagers are now considered overweight, up from 6{3486a37601380047fa91c48677c80c45da4aeb612c7f659761fd322b96fc1c59} 20 years ago. Statistics in the UK are similar, and rising. Whilst children starve in Africa, kids in the Western … Read more

Learning To Understand And Live With ADHD

Learning To Understand And Live With ADHD by Denise Hoptons Helpful Hints On How To Manage Your Childs ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that can afflict children. People suffering from ADHD have symptoms such as: 1) They have a low level of concentration and a very poor attention span. 2) Their … Read more

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